Steam Juicer

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I received a new steam juicer! Looking forward to juicing all kinds of fruits.

Don’t confuse this with a steam pressure canner. They are two very different tools for the home canner. This does not process your jars of food. It does, however, steam foods and produces a beautiful juice!

The pots are a beautiful and shiny stainless steel. I love stainless much better than aluminum. The large juice collector holds 4 quarts of juice.

You are cautioned in several places to be sure and not boil the water reservoir dry because you will warp the bottom pot. But the water reservoir also holds a good 4 quarts of water, so I can’t see that happening unless you really get careless and forget about it cooking.

Fruit cooking in the top part of the steam juicer.

This Page Includes:

Steam Juicer Review

The one and only thing that could be improved is to move the spout for draining the juice section lower in the pot. I did have to tip it to get the last of the juice out, but it was not difficult. I just took the top steamer section with the fruit off to reduce any weight. I was able to tip the pot with one hand while holding the jar with the other. So overall, that is a pretty minor thing.

The Steam Juicer is for More Than Just Juice

Instruction book with information for making all kinds of juice.

I’m also realizing the steam juicer does so much more than just juice. The obvious products I want to make are grape juice, apple juice, and cherry juice. In the booklet that comes with the juicer they have crabapple juice! Brilliant. I’ll be trying that come fall.

It also has recipes for various juice combinations and jam and jelly recipes. I especially liked the recipe for jam made with the peach pulp after you’ve juiced them for peach nectar.

I had not thought of this as a vegetable steamer, but it sure would work great. Steam a lot at a time for a large dinner or for preserving. The booklet even has directions on steaming meats. Honestly, the idea of steamed chicken doesn’t sound appealing, but it might work in a pinch. Fish and seafood, however, would be good!

An Idea from My Inbox:

“Sharon, just wanted to let you know that I purchased the Norpro Stainless Steamer/Juicer on your advice. I had the idea that it might extract sugar cane juice, so thought I might try it and if it didn’t work for that, then I could use it for fruit. I just raise backyard sugar cane, so can’t afford one of the presses. It works GREAT. I have my first syrup now, and it was easy.”

How the Steam Juicer Works

How-It-Works Video

Video: Steaming Cherries in the Steam Juicer

There are several parts to the juicer.

Frozen fruit poured into the pot.

A base pot that holds your reservoir of water to boil and steam. A center pot that collects the juice from the top section which is a steamer basket. Then, of course, the lid. And finally, a rubber tube and clamp.

Steam juicer cooking with hose running out of it.

The center juice collecting pot (I made that name up, I’m sure it has a better name) has a funnel sort of shaped hole that allows the steam from the water reservoir to travel up to the fruit in the top steamer basket.

Recipe and information booklet for the multipurpose juicer steamer cooker.

The rubber tube allows you to drain off the juice as it collects. The clamp closes the tube so you can actually fill a jar, clamp it off, and move to the next jar. All and all, it really seemed to work well.

If you watch the videos on this page, it is much easier to show than explain. I review how it works, and I also show you how to steam cherries for cherry juice. (Just drank some cherry juice with my supper tonight, yum!)

I’d recommend getting a steam juicer especially for those who have grapes. Mmmmmm, I can’t wait to have the chance to make fresh grape juice!

Get a NorPro juicer at Amazon here.

Readers Comments About Steam Juicers

I asked on Simply Canning Facebook what users of this juicer thought of it and what they use it for. Lots and lots of responses! Here are just a few.

Lorraine – This is one of the best investments I ever made; I use it to make cider too and every juice I can imagine and tomato.

Agnes – I use mine a lot! I have one in stainless steel (aluminum is no good for you). I use it for making juice from all kinds if berries and fruit. Try apples and aronia! Hardly needs any sugar at all. I freeze the juice in containers. Mix with water, or drink as it is; depends on how concentrated you made it.

Julie – I bought one of these last year after learning about it from a friend. I use it to extract juice from salmonberries, huckleberries, blueberries, and cranberries. It works fantastic! Takes about an hour, and the juice is clear not cloudy. Great invention.

Gwen – It is wonderful to use to steam blanch before you put food on a dehydrator. Love mine to make huge meals…picture loads of steamed broccoli.

Elaine – I love it mine. I use it for steaming all kinds of fruits and veggies. It’s the best for steam blanching before canning. Also, it can be used to distill water in the event of a boil order.

Kayla – I love ours. We steam the juice out of fruit and make wine out of the juice. Or we mix a little water to the juice and drink it.

Melissa – I’ve only used mine for apple juice but hope to use it for other things this year. Also, when done juicing the apples, put the cooked apples through the food mill for apple sauce! It’s great to get both!

Brenda – I love mine for apple juice! So easy!! Chop apples, put in juicer, seeds and all. Use leftover pulp for apple butter or sauce.

Evelyn – Same here, ladies, but I love the juice…cherry juice and prune, so yummy warm out of the juicer.

Steam Juicer FAQs

Will the Steam Juicer Hose Get Too Hot Over Gas?

Hi! I have moved to a home with a gas stove and I’m worried about the hose on my steam juicer getting too hot. Is there a trick to it? I noticed you had a gas stove in the picture is the reason I’m asking.


Sharon’s reply

Hi Betty,

That is a great question and one that I had as well the first time I used mine. 🙂

I have found that the hose does seem to get warm…but not too hot. I always make sure I don’t have the pot offset so the hose is over the burner. As long as I have the pot centered, the hose has done fine with mine.

Related Pages

A steam canner (again, not to be confused with the steam juicer on this page) is used for canning food in jars. Learn more about the steam canner on this page.

You can also learn more about steam canning on this page. Is it safe? What’s it supposed to be used for preserving?

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Steam Juicer

Page last updated: 11/12/2021

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6 months ago

Has anyone juiced lemons and what did you make with it. I’m thinking of doing them with their skins on to make a limoncello?

tom uebersetzig
tom uebersetzig
8 months ago

how do i get a price n this steamer??

Dena R
Dena R
1 year ago

I just chicken broth from organic chicken bones with lots of meat still on. I love this steamer! Last week I did two pineapples for juice as well as putting the pineapple in jars. The flavor stays in the fruit. It is amazing!

Carrie Bond
Carrie Bond
2 years ago

I have sugar cane did you process it?